and we're tying that knot ...




My initial idea was to get two dresses, two very different dresses. One for the ceremony (princessy, very classic) and one for the reception (mermaid style, party-proof). I planned to keep the cost of each dress around $1.5k at the most.

Those plans have changed. Oh. Have they EVER.

UPDATE: November '09

I GOT MY DRESS. And you can't see :P

UPDATE: March '10

I have a secret and you can't know :P

Bridal Jewelry

I don't like big earrings (they don't suit my long face at all). I like small, classy earrings; so I'm wearing pearls and diamond studs. The pearls were a gift from my wonderful fiance for my graduation back in May '09, so those will be for the ceremony. For the reception, I'll switch to the diamond studs. Through the whole wedding I'll wear my Evenstar (from the Lord of the Rings movie, anyone?), which was a gift from my fiance, back in Christmas '09.

Bridesmaids' Attire

The dresses of my 6 ever-so-lovely bridesmaids will be burgundy. I do love the idea of taffeta for them, so I'm aiming for that. I found a great, beautiful dress on for $80 (what a steal, these dresses look worth more!), so as soon as I have my bridal party set in stone, I'm getting those bad boys.

UPDATE: The price went to $60! If I could, I'd have all my bridesmaids get the dress nnnnow. My good friend Pilar is thus far the only imported bridesmaid (from Peru, that is) to have confirmed assistance, so we will be getting her dress soon.

UPDATE: My best friend Andrea can make it! We'll get her dress November.

UPDATE: My girls deserve better than $60 dress. So dress shopping it ISSS.

UPDATE: We went dress shopping and we found her! It's Priscilla of Boston, Style 1508, in "Wine".